Thursday, December 25, 2008

profound thoughts from nirvana...

i've been listening to a lot of nirvana lately and there's one line from one song that is just...i don't know, hitting me. and it makes me ponder.

"come, as you are"

simple as that. it makes me wonder...what if everyone came as who they are? or how about this. what if...prepare yourself for this...we loved and accepted each other in that? hmm...

Monday, December 22, 2008

the gang...

all 15 of us...

carolling @ jackson square...

last night a bunch of us went to the 62nd annual carolling in jackson square. super cold, but definitely fun.

Friday, December 19, 2008


i've been hearing a lot about the crazy amount of snow up in the northwest this week and figured i'd put up a picture of the snow we got down in NOLA. that's right. it snowed. it was fun watching people react to it. you could hear the school kids screaming with joy and there were a ton of adults just standing outside, staring up into the heavens. pretty magical.