if you know me well at all, you might know that forest gump is one of my favorite movies. mostly because of the music. you know that song, turn! turn! turn! by the byrds? well...its in forest gump. i mention this because the song talks about seasons...how to everything their is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. lately...the idea of seasons has really resonated with me...the changes that come with them and all. they've inspired me enough to make them part of me and portray them in my art...
in my life...there are a few changes going on. my time at starbucks has ended because i came upon a better opportunity. starting this week, i'll be nannying for one of our neighbors. i'm SO incredibly excited to be able to hang out with kids as a job again. i've really missed that. i've also started tutoring one night a week...which kind of takes me back to my days at Youth Outreach in Newberg. I think of all the things (besides friends of course) that i miss from the norhtwest, YO is one of the things i miss the most. but these new opportunities are allowing me to act on things that make me me...who i am at the very core of my being.
in my life...there are a few changes going on. my time at starbucks has ended because i came upon a better opportunity. starting this week, i'll be nannying for one of our neighbors. i'm SO incredibly excited to be able to hang out with kids as a job again. i've really missed that. i've also started tutoring one night a week...which kind of takes me back to my days at Youth Outreach in Newberg. I think of all the things (besides friends of course) that i miss from the norhtwest, YO is one of the things i miss the most. but these new opportunities are allowing me to act on things that make me me...who i am at the very core of my being.
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